Delivery Time

The delivery time of 0950005471 fuel injection depends on the conditions below:


Products In Store

For products in-store, we can arrange shipping within 3 working days after payment, but it only supports small quantity orders, which refer to no more than 50 pieces of each order.

Big Quantity Oder

The quantity of orders above 50-100 pieces will be needed more time to prepare for shipping, Usually, it will take 7-15 working days including the production and testing time.

Customized Products provides injector’s shell lettering, logo engraving, injector internal packaging, injector external packaging, and labels customized service, but the customized products require the following conditions:  

 1. The purchase of customized injector quantity is no less than 10 pieces.

 2. The Customized injector packages’ quantity is no less than 1000 pieces.

   3. The customized products that involve the need of a specific logo, the OEM manufacturer needs to provide trademark authorization and a sample of logo image file.


As customized products require big quantities and customized programs are different, the delivery time of customized products needs to be negotiated according to specific conditions.

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